Friday, July 4, 2014


Barnes and Conti, Art of Communication:Creating Shared Meaning(2014) Retrieved from

Money,10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication(2014) Retrieved                                                from                                                                             

MSG,Management Study GuideEducational Portal (2014). Seven C’s of Effective Communication. Retrieved                from courses/7-cs-of-effective-communication

Slide Shares, Many Authors (2014) Effective Communication: Seven C's.         Retrieved from

Friday, June 27, 2014

'C' for Courteous

Retrieved from June 27, 2014 by A. Lui. source Source:

Courteous communication is your best friend when you have a negative message to deliver. You will want to be friendly, honest and use a non-negative tone. Effective courteous communication  focuses on encouraging others and showing great sensitivity to their feelings. Remember heart-said, heart-felt,honest and positive comments find their way to the readers' ears and hearts.

                                                               Retrieved from June 27, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

'C' for Complete

When you communicate with others you want to keep your messages complete. Make sure all relevant information is included and a call of action is highlighted. You may want to include names, contact information, places or certain reports types and a clear action required from the reader.

                                                           Retrieved from June26, 2014

Your reader expects to find all details included. Eliminate the need to ask by covering all aspects of the subject and keep in mind the reader's point of view. It is also vital to avoid any negative incomplete messages that may rise conflicts among co-workers.

Next 'C' is for 'Courteous'

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

"C" for Coherent

When you communicate you want to be coherent. This means you want to get all your discussions connected and relevant to your main idea. Your sentences should support the main message. You want a seamless and easy flow of argumentative sentences. Capture the attention of the readers by asking a question. Their minds start questioning in the direction you are leading them to.Your readers will be engaged in following the logic flow of your ideas to find the answer to your question.

                                                         Retrieved from

Next "C" stands for Complete

"C" for Concise

Great communicators are concise. They go brief and stick to their point. their messages are delivered in two or three sentences. They do not need to repeat the main point several times. Good communicators filter their messages and omit adjectives and adverbs that prolong the message and take the attention from the main idea. When delivering a verbal message, follow the same pattern. Use clear voice and emphasize on the right pronunciation of your words.

Can you think when you delivered a successful concise message?
                                            Retrieved from

This video explains the 7 "C" of effective communications

7 "C's" of effective communications

Our next "C" suggests Coherent
Prince/Princess of the 7 C's .... of Good Communication

How often do we communicate with others? almost every single hour of our day we write e-mails, talk with people on the phone, debate with co-workers, receive or give instructions at work. One can say that communication is the activity most conducted by humans.
That said we should manage this skill and better it. We all strive to master the 7 C's of good communication skills.

"C" for Clear
When we communicate with others we want to make our messages clear. Our listeners should not need to question we said. To master the art of "clear communications" use short sentences, focus on the main point. When sending instructions use the shortest and most acceptable form; Please and Thank you.

                                                               from June 24,2014

What does the next "C" stand for?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Is Lyn rude?

Lyn is the front end manager at a large retail store. She supervises more than 35 people in one shift and oversees the front end operations in her busy store. Lyn addresses all her subordinates in a firm tone of voice. During any work related conversation, she tends to be direct and uses short sentences, mostly giving clear instructions. She does not smile much while on duty. Everybody at work believes that Lyn is a trustworthy person. They all joke about her pointing at co-workers as she talks.
                                                             Retrieved from June9, 2014

When co-workers meet with Lyn outside the store, they like her adorable smile and find her a nice person to talk to. Lyn thinks she is being professional. Her subordinates think she is rude. Is Lyn rude?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Communication is art

A good communicator masters the techniques of effective communication and understand the structure of the art of communication. Think before you speak: it is second nature to effective communicators. Start with the main idea and prove the necessary supporting details.

Concentrate on your audience and use meaningful descriptive verbs. Follow those steps for a  flawless concise conversation.

Retrieved from June 3, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Less is more!

In Canada as a cultural mosaic community, being concise is key. Think about business meetings or schools' group work where individuals have to communicate with each other discuss and exchange ideas. The key to be concise and successful in a multicultural community is to wear the same thinking hat so everybody is on the same stream. Using specific terms to express an idea is also a time saving tool. Non-native English speakers should wear their English language thinking hat prior to public discussions, meetings or even social gatherings.

Many individuals think of communication as the spoken conversation or the written letters they have on daily basis. In fact communication has more than one arm, I can name body language and facial expressions under many.